The Efest Safe Battery Charging Bag is a fireproof bag, designed to stop and contain the fire caused by incorrectly or poorly functioning lithium batteries, especially during charging. It is made from a fiberglass woven fabric, similar to fireproof suits worn by firefighters.
It is highly recommended to charge your Lithium Ion batteries inside of a safety bag. Batteries can fail, when they do it normally causes venting and sometimes fire. This bag will prevent flames from escaping and allow for venting so all you see is smoke.
Most chargers with a cord will work in this bag.
Efest Safe Battery Charging Bag Use Instructions:
Insert batteries into charger making sure polarity is correct. Place charger in the bag towards the bottom. Place bag on non-flammable surface. Place the charger leads through the space (left or right seam) at the top of the bag. Close top flap of bag and press, ensuring the seal is secure. Charge battery using proper charging practices. Never leave charging battery unattended.
Please note chargers can get hot during operation and should be monitored at all times.